AABA June 21st, 2022 Meeting

Join us for our June AABA Meeting! It will be held Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 at 6:30-9:00 PM at Arlington Echo.
6:30 President Ryan Smith: Open Hive Dive (weather permitting) or General Q&A
7:00 Valerie Wampler:  Rendering Wax
:  Demonstration with Tips and Tricks
7:30: Break
7:40 Valerie Wampler:  An Introduction to Native Bees to include Anatomy, Forage, Nesting, Characteristics 

Hive Dive and/or General Q and A Discussion

Please bring your veil and protective gear if you are going on the hive dive.   This will be weather dependent.  There will always be beekeepers in the room to answer your questions.


Valerie Wampler

Rendering Wax:  Demonstration with Tips and Tricks
An Introduction to Native Bees to include Anatomy, Forage, Nesting, Characteristics 

Valerie Wampler has been a beekeeper since 2014.  She started with 2 hives in the first year and is now up to 60.  She has served as the Howard County Bee Club Treasurer and has provided talks to various Maryland Bee Club organizations on topics such as Building Bait Hives and Making Splits as well as hosting training sessions on how to make hot and cold process soaps and lotion bars.  Valerie has also volunteered in many outreach events throughout Maryland and is honored to provide mentoring/support to Mission Beelieve. Valerie grows award winning Dahlias and is a American Dahlia Society Senior Judge