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Constitution and Bylaws
Anne Arundel Beekeepers Association Constitution and Bylaws
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Anne Arundel Beekeepers Association, Incorporated. (Abbreviated AABA in these bylaws.)
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of AABA shall be to inform and educate about honey bees and pollinating insects and provide a forum to gather and share beekeeping information and experiences.
Article III: Membership
Any person interested in beekeeping may become a member of AABA upon application and payment of annual dues.
AABA’s fiscal and membership year is the calendar year. Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. Dues are payable by April 30th of each year to maintain active membership status.
Each active membership is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote.
Personal information is not provided to vendors or individual members of the association. The information collected is used to contact membership for meeting announcements, general information updates, or volunteer efforts. Information will never be sold or provided to a third party.
Article IV: Governance
Section A: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (the Board) is responsible for conducting the affairs of AABA. The Board will advise and make recommendations to the association with respect to the activities and purpose of the association. Two board members will be required to have access to all financial and media accounts for continuity. The Board can act upon matters of immediate concern and is obligated to present its actions at the next general membership meeting.
The elected officers of the Board with voting privileges shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Two Directors, and Media Editor. The immediate Past President of AABA may serve as one of the Directors.
Non-voting Members of the Board shall include chairpersons or coordinators of active committees or programs.
Only members in good standing may serve on the Board of Directors, as a chairman, or as a member of a committee.
The one-year terms of officers shall begin with the close of the meeting in which they are elected and run until a successor is elected. The President and Directors, however, may not serve more than two successive one-year terms.
If for any reason a vacancy develops, the Board of Directors shall select a replacement to fill the unexpired part of the term.
Section B: Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet as specified by the President or by demand of a majority of the members of the Board. The Board of Directors may conduct business and vote by any means of communication it deems necessary, including face-to-face, email, conference call, or US mail.
Notice of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be sent to each member of the Board at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting.
A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
Article V: General Membership Meetings
General membership meetings are open to the public, although business conducted at meetings is subject to vote by active members only.
The association shall meet for business purposes no less than two times each year. The agenda shall be communicated by customary means to the membership before the meeting. Items requiring a vote must be on the agenda.
Election of officers will be held at a general meeting, usually the last general meeting in the year.
Twelve members of AABA shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at general meetings. Each meeting shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Special meetings may be called by providing 10 days’ notice to the general membership.
Article VI: Amendments
This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members at a membership meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment is either mailed or e mailed to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Article VII: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of AABA, the net assets after payment of debts will be donated to the Maryland State Beekeepers Association or a 501 © (3) organization as determined by a majority vote of the membership present when voting on this issue.
Article VIII: Removal of an Officer or Member
Any officer who fails to perform his or her duties to the satisfaction of the Board or fails to attend three consecutive membership meetings may be removed from office, and a successor appointed, by the Board of Directors. Such action becomes effective after written notice to membership and ratification at the next general meeting.
Any member, whose conduct is determined to be unacceptable, can have his/her membership revoked by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
Signed AABA Bylaws (PDF)