February 21st, 2023 Meeting
Join us for our February AABA Meeting! It will be held Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 from 6:30-8:40 PM at Arlington Echo.
6:30-6:50 Q and A, (too cold to do a hive dive). Led by President Susan Beury
6:50-7:00 Club Business
7:00-7:30 David Clark “First Spring Inspection”
Break for Social talk 7:30-7:40
7:40- 8:40 Main speaker Pam Hepp “Spring management coming out of winter”
We will have our own David Clark showing us his Spring first inspection technique in pictures. David has not shared this information since 2019 and it is definitely worth a revisit.
Our keynote speaker is Pam Hepp on “ Spring management coming out from winter”. Pam is an EAS Masterbeekeeper. Pam says ” I am a former high school chemistry teacher, turned beekeeper in 2013. I had a student taking over hives from her sister and I wanted my tomatoes to produce more, so I got honeybees. I was hooked immediately. The bees are fascinating. I try to help the bees help themselves.
I’ve been active with the Montgomery County Beekeepers Association – as their outreach coordinator, Vice President and President. I helped develop and have been a teacher of the MCBA online “Short Course” – beginning beekeeping course.”