February 15th, 2022 AABA Meeting
AABA will host Steve Repasky who will be speaking on : Nucs in your Bee Yard: A Keystone to Sustainability
We will be discussing a variety of ways to produce, manage and utilize nucs in your own beeyard as a means of becoming sustainable and profitable.
This will be a zoom only meeting, credentials to the right.
6:30-7 President Ryan Smith moderates Q&A
bring your beekeeping questions for open discussion
7-8:30 Nucs in your Bee Yard: A Keystone to Sustainability
Stephen Repasky
Special welcome to all the new short course participants!
Stephen RepaskyA second-generation beekeeper, Stephen Repasky is a nationally recognized speaker, author and consultant from Pittsburgh, PA. He is a certified Master Beekeeper through the Eastern Apicultural Society and is the current President of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association, past president and co-founder of Burgh Bees, and a past member of the Board of Directors for the American Beekeeping Federation. He is also an active member of the PA Queen Bee Improvement Project and is a member of the Penn State Center for Pollinator Research Advisory Board and the Pennsylvania State Apiary Advisory Board. Stephen manages approximately 200 colonies (mostly as single brood chambers) in western Pennsylvania and is involved in honey production, queen rearing and the selling of nucleus hives each spring and summer to those interested in starting or expanding their own beekeeping adventure!He also manages the apiary program at Pittsburgh International Airport where there are nearly 100 colonies used in honey production, research studies and queen production. Pittsburgh International is home to the largest apiary program in the country located entirely on airport property.Stephen had his first book published by Wicwas Press in 2014 entitled ” Swarm Essentials” and can be found teaching beekeeping classes and workshops in the Pittsburgh area and presenting lectures on a variety of beekeeping topics at local clubs and many regional and national conferences around the United States.
Anne Arundel Beekeepers Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: AABA February Meeting
Time: Feb 15, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)