Our next AABA meeting will be held on April 20.
6:30 Open Q and A with President Ryan Smith
7:00 Mike Mehalick presenting on “What to consider before popping the top”.
This is a discussion of considerations before you do the hive inspection, and first steps to making your hive inspections a success. Mike Mehalick has been keeping bees since 2012. He, his wife Kim and son James keep about 30-60 hives on their property and various outyards as part of their apiary “The Queen’s Honey”. His favorite beekeeping activity- catching and marking newly mated queens from his own queen rearing experiments.
7:30 Dr. Keith Delaplane speaking about Honey Bee Polyandry and Why It Matters to Beekeepers
Keith Delaplane started keeping bees while he was growing up on his family corn, soy, and hog farm in Indiana. He pursued this interest in grad school at LSU under the mentorship of Dr. John Harbo who was a co-developer of the Varroa Sensitive Hygiene line of honey bee. Keith assumed his current post as Professor of Entomology at the University of Georgia in 1990 where he and his students study social evolution, honey bee IPM, pollination, and foraging ecology.