Our February AABA Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 7:00-9:00 PM at Arlington Echo.


The speaker for our February meeting is David Clark. David will speak on Spring Management.

This is part one of a two-part spring management presentation. David will share his approach to the first inspection of spring. His talk will include assessments of colony strength, reversing and swarm prevention, and tips for maintaining your bee yard and equipment.

David is a member of the Bowie-Upper Marlboro Beekeepers Association (BUMBA), AABA, Association of Southern Maryland Beekeepers, DC Bee club, and represents PG County on the Maryland State Beekeepers Association Board. In 2014 he won the Maryland State Beekeeper’s Citizenship Award. David has been a beekeeper for 9 years and raises nucs for sale in addition to supporting his own apiary.  He also mentors 3 to 4 beekeepers per year in addition to teaching beekeeping at the University District of Columbia.

Meeting Location

The meeting will be held in the main building at the Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center.