AABA Club Library

Books | Digital Books | Presentations | Recipes | Videos (Coming Soon)

The AABA library consists of traditional books, digital books, and presentations. Each holding is listed below and you may click on its title to get additional details on it.

Digital books and presentations may be downloaded immediately via the link provided in the details section. Traditional books require that you are a current AABA member and attend regular meetings where the books are checked in/out.

To check out one of our traditional books, please contact the club's librarian, Rebecca Krimins at librarian@aabees.org.

Edgar Mumford's Bee Library

Edgar Mumford's Bee Library



A Read-About, Fold-Out & Pop-Up
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, Various Editions
Amateur Beekeeping
The Art & Adventure of Beekeeping
The Beekeepers Handbook, Fourth Edition
Bee Pollinators in Your Garden
The Behaviour & Social Life of Honeybees
Biology, Detection and Control of Varroa
The Chandler's Guide to Candlemaking
Composition of American Honeys
Diagnosing Bee Mites
A Field Guide to Honey Bees and Their Maladies
First Lessons in Beekeeping
Gleaning in Bee Culture, Various Volumes
Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping
Honey Bees & Beekeeping (A Year in the Life of an Apiary)
Honey and Your Health
Honeybee Democracy
How to Keep Bees and Sell Honey
How to Raise Beautiful Honeycomb
Increase Essentials
Keeping Bees
Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee
The Life of the Bee
The Maryland Agricultural College Bulletin of Jan-Mar 1909
Mites of the Honey Bee
The Modern Art of Candle Creating
The Observation Hive Handbook Studying Honey Bees at Home
The Queen Must Die: And Other Affairs of Bees and Men
Simple Smart Beekeeping
Top-Bar Hive Beekeeping: Wisdom & Pleasure Combined
What Do You Know
The World of Bees


Digital Books

An Introduction to Natural Beekeeping
Backyard Beekeeping
Bees in Amber
How to Build a Top Bar Hive
How to Start Beekeeping for Free!
So You Want to Keep Bees?
The E-Book on Honey Bees
The Life of the Bee



Action Plan for Our Beeyard
Assessing your hives in preparation for fall
Bees, Pesticides and Us
Feral Bee Capture and Swarm Boxes
Honey Bee Nectar & Pollen Sources
Maintaining Healthy Bees
Planting for Pollinators
Planting for Pollinators Web Links
Pollinator Gardening the Regenerative Way
Preparing Your Colonies for Winter
Spring Management - Part I
Spring Management - Part II
Storing Frames for the Winter
Sugar Roll Test for Varroa Mite Counts
Swarm Management
Winter Feeding Part 1
Winter Feeding Part 2