Club News

Elections for 2021 Board

The final slate was unanimously approved after some last-minute changes.

Carl Guerci has decided to step down after four years as President, but he will continue to support AABA
as Swarm Coordinator and Arlington Echo Coordinator. He will also continue to mentor beekeepers.
Thank you!!

Ryan Smith, owner of Honeysmith Bees, has agreed to be AABA President rather than Vice-President.
We are pleased to welcome Ryan to the board.

This leaves the V.P. position open for someone to consider. Ideally, under the new bylaws, the President
and V.P. will serve two 1-year terms, and then the Vice President will move up to President, so we need
someone interested in training to be president.

The Secretary position is also open and includes assisting with the agendas and minutes for the board
and general meetings and then coordinating with the Media Editor to distribute information to AABA

Kim Mehalick has agreed to help as Program Coordinator. If you would like to assist or have speakers or
topics that you would like to hear, please let Kim know.

Please consider volunteering for open positions or assisting other positions – it is always good to have
2021 AABA Board

Club Officers
President – Ryan Smith
Vice-President – open
Treasurer – Dennis Roundy
Secretary – open
Director – Jim Larson
Director – Michael Doyle
Media Editor – Audrey Lee
Club Chairpersons
Webmaster – Gina Jones
Short Course Coordinator – Deborah Hewitt
Program Coordinator – Kim Mehalick
Mentor Coordinator – Matt Gill
Club Rentals – Chrissy Perry
Snacks – Deni Estrada-Palma
County Fair Coordinator – Michael Doyle
Librarian – Rebecca Krimins
Photography – Susan Huber, Rebecca Krimins
Door Prize Coordinator – Dwight Fielder
Swarms Coordinator – Carl Guerci Jr.